
Our Mission Statement

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After Sales Services & Maintenance

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After-sales service has always been our top priority; Through first-class response speed, superb technical ability, work attitude with affinity provide customers with a full range of after-sales service. “Take customer as focus and win customer satisfaction through high efficiency and good quality service, and make the promise come true.” is the purpose of our service.

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We provide 1 year free unconditional maintenance for WETL lifts. To ensure High quality daily maintenance, our company give strict professional qualification to the engineers before sending them in field. According to site checking and user survey, it discovers the problem, adopts an effective way to correct, and supervise the promotion of the quality.

We also offer annual maintenance for the lifts from other suppliers.

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After-sales technical support department analyzes running status of every lift on regular basis and 24×7 service available for breakdown situation. Vehicle facility is given to the staff members, so they make sure to reach on the breakdown site ASAP. We keep enough stock of Spare Parts at our warehouse to provide quick support as and when required.

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